
Chatterbot tips and tricks

vkosuri vkosuri Follow Oct 12, 2019 · 2 mins read
Chatterbot tips and tricks
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Most commonly used for tips and tricks for chatterbot

Chatbot text into events

Ref: #482

Creating efficient scheduling operations can often be a challenging problem to solve. What about offloading the task to the user’s calendar? Most calendar apps already display notifications when a scheduled event is coming up, and it would also make it possible synchronize the events across the user’s devices if they were all connected to the same calendar.


Combination of both voice and chat

Ref: #416

I think it’s definitely possible, but because it’s a web app the audio will have to be processed on the client’s side. This might make things easier because there is likely several javascript libraries available that handle speech recognition and speech synthesis. It looks like Google Chrome has built in support for both speech recognition and speech synthesis

To implement this, you would have to add some javascript to listen to the user’s speech, then it could send that to the Django ChatterBot

Prioritizing some responses over others

Ref : #518

If you have a way to train your bot with the desired responses you could use the get_most_frequent_response response selection method. Training multiple times with the desired data would increment occurrence counts for those responses and it would ensure that they get selected. Using training to increment the occurrence counts is probably the most efficient way to do this.

Integrating jinja2 templates into corpus

Ref : #518

With reference #469 I felt introducing jinja2 template into corpus, A more useful to users and developers.

    "conversations": [
            "What's you name",
            "How many years",
from chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import json
import os

# Jinja2 corpus template
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(THIS_DIR), trim_blocks=True)
properties = {"name":"Chatterbot" , "years":2}
corpus_template = env.get_template('example.corpus.json').render(bot=properties)
corpus_data = json.loads(corpus_template)

# Train chatterbot
chatterbot = ChatBot("Template Training Example")
for pair in corpus_data['conversations']:

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Written by vkosuri Follow
Not a native English speaker or writer, Deutsch Learner, love to explore new ideas and document!.